Three Peaks Medical Clinic 501c3 status confirmed.

The response to the planning, formation and launching of Three Peaks Medical Clinic has been humbling and reaffirming. The reaction from our community, the Valley and well beyond confirms that operating the Clinic as a non-profit organization is the right decision. Your financial support ensures the Clinic will be open and functioning for this 2022-2023 season. In other words, we couldn’t do this without You.

Much progress has been made and the Clinic space is taking shape. The lead lined walls have been installed in the Imaging Room and the x-ray equipment should arrive any day now. UVMMC veterans and Valley residents Steve Mason and Lynne Brophy have been hired as X-Ray Technician and Clinical Practice Manager. We are thrilled for their return to the Clinic. Steve and Lynne’s experience and knowledge will be a huge help in establishing our best practice systems.

Training for Three Peaks Medical Clinic’s Electronic Health Record system is underway. Our schedule of volunteer physicians continues to grow and is nothing short of impressive. Our telephone system is active, and our computers are installed. Signage and supplies are on the way.

The biggest news is the receipt of our 501c3 confirmation with an effective exemption date of December 10, 2021. This means donations are tax-deductible and we are qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers, or gifts.

We hope you will join us on Community Day at Sugarbush on Saturday, October 8 for a tour of the Clinic. Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you in December.


Good Brews for a Cause $10,592 donation.


Thanks to all who participated in our first annual golf tournament!